Rotary Coat Giveaway
November 23, 2024
Lathrop Elementary School
100% of the funds we raise from WINE ON THE FARM go to support the basic needs of underserved children in Lathrop and surrounding communities.  A major expenditure of these funds goes to purchase brand new coats for children.  After our last event, we were able to purchase and give away 500 new coats in sizes ranging from toddler through adult.  
We believe a brand new coat is more than a coat, and offers a child physical and emotional warmth, confidence to socialize and succeed, and hope for a brighter future.


We work closely with the local schools to identify children in need.  Those children are invited to attend our Coat Giveaway, which was last  held at Lathrop High School on November 18, 2023.  Children were able to browse the  brand new coats, try them on and select the coat of their choice.  
      If you would like more information on our Coat Giveaway, contact us through this website or send an email to: